While working from home has its perks, it also has its downsides. One of the most common challenges is keeping motivation and energy levels high, especially if you thrive in more social environments.
The problem is that a lack of a steady routine and social isolation can drain your energy, which isn’t good for productivity. To help, here are nine simple tips for increasing your energy levels throughout each day.
Focus on One Thing at a Time
In certain situations, multitasking is a great skill, but it can also kill productivity. When we ask our brain to shift attention from one activity to another, it literally drains our mental energy. Instead, list your daily tasks in order of priority and then focus on each one individually. Doing one thing at a time will not only help you perform each task more efficiently; it will also preserve your energy for the remaining tasks.
Stay Connected
Regular human contact keeps your brain active and actually helps to boost your energy levels. To help yourself stay focused, keep in touch with colleagues via instant messages, voice calls, and video conferencing tools. Establish communication protocols with coworkers so you don’t disrupt other people’s time. Even scheduling one meeting per day will help to keep you motivated.
Eat More Nutritious Food
Eating whole, natural foods and avoiding processed foods with added sugar will help your body maintain optimal performance. Try to do the following:
• Eat one fist-size portion of vegetables with every meal.
• Avoid sugary drinks and snacks.
• Include more healthy fats in your diet, such as avocados, nuts, and fatty fish.
• Include protein in every meal.
• Add nutritional supplements to your smoothies, such as spirulina powder, acai powder, and chia seeds.
Go for a Walk in the Morning
If possible, start your day with a brisk walk around the block or park. If the sun is shining, even better; sunshine is the best source of vitamin D, which can improve your mood by boosting serotonin levels in your brain. Vitamin D can also improve your sleep quality, lower blood pressure, and improve brain function. As well as improving your self-esteem, walking may also help you think more creatively.
Swap Coffee for Alternatives
While the caffeine in coffee may give you a quick energy boost, its effects will quickly wear off and it can lead to an energy slump. Try alternative drinks such as green tea or peppermint tea, which are high in antioxidants and include compounds that improve brain function and reduce stress levels.
Drink More Water
When you’re not properly hydrated, your body can’t function at its maximum efficiency. This will quickly lead to you feeling drained and less mentally alert. Drink water throughout the day to prevent dehydration and keep your mind more active all day long.
Take Regular Breaks
Sitting still for too long in one place can have a significantly negative impact on your mental and physical health. Try to take a break about once every hour for at least five minutes. It allows you to stretch your legs, gets your blood flowing, and helps you to feel re-energized when you return to work. In five minutes, you could make a drink, stretch, meditate, or even call a friend for a quick chat. Just try to do it away from your regular work spot.
Take Naps
A short nap of around 15 to 30 minutes has been shown to improve concentration levels and performance. If you feel your energy dip in the mid-afternoon, take 30 minutes to lie down in a dark room and try to get some sleep. Even if you don’t sleep, the relaxation should help you feel more energized when you get back to work.
Aim for Seven or Eight Hours of Sleep
At the end of each day, it’s crucial to get enough sleep to recharge your body and mind. Even though people need at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep every night, many people don’t manage to get enough. To help you get a better night’s sleep, avoid caffeine after midday, drink less alcohol, and avoid using electronics an hour before you go to bed. Once you’ve worked out a successful routine, stick to this bedtime ritual so that your body and mind are prepared for a good sleep.
Over to You
If you lack energy when you’re working from home, you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are various techniques you can use to improve your energy levels. The strategies highlighted here are just some of the best ways to combat fatigue, but you may find even better ways to feel energized as you learn to adapt to remote working. Start with these techniques and you’ll soon start to feel less tired throughout each day, and you should be able to work more efficiently and effectively as a result.
If you have any questions, our team would be more than happy to help. Call us today at (484) 893-4055.