You have probably heard about the high-profile security breaches at companies like Target, Sony and T.J. Maxx, and at the IRS and other government agencies. What you may not know, however, is that small and midsize companies are also at risk of data breaches and hacker break-ins.
If you run a small to midsize business and are not taking proactive steps to protect your data, you are living on borrowed time. Hackers are just as likely to target smaller firms, and signing up for active security monitoring is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your data. Here are just a few reasons all businesses, not matter how small, can benefit from professional security monitoring.
You Keep Customer Data
Whether you have a dozen customers or several thousands, simply keeping their information on the company server or in a database puts their identity at risk. Without professional monitoring to keep your data safe, your customer information could be stolen by an enterprising hacker.
Hiring a professional security-monitoring service is the best way to ensure that your network is properly protected and the data it contains is safe. No company is too small to benefit from professional security monitoring, and there is a solution for businesses of all sizes.
You Could Run Afoul of the Law
The laws governing data security have become increasingly strict in recent years, as a response to large, high-profile data breaches involving major companies. That means you could run afoul of the law unintentionally if you fail to properly safeguard your customer data.
Professional data-monitoring firms can review your network security protocols and make sure you are in compliance with all applicable laws. The peace of mind you will gain is well worth the cost of the service.
Your Reputation is Everything
When you operate online, your reputation is everything. If you fail to safeguard your customer data and keep it safe from hackers, you will live to regret it.
Customers are extremely unlikely to give your firm a second chance if their security is breached and their identity is stolen. Hiring a professional security-monitoring service is the best way to avoid damage to your reputation and safeguard yourself and your companies from financial loss.
Hackers are not going away, and the data breaches they create seem to get worse with every passing year. No matter what type of business you run or how many employees you have, professional security monitoring can keep your firm safe and your reputation protected.