A blog isn’t something you can do once and forget about it, at least not if you hope to get anything out of it — namely increased traffic, solid leads, and a boost in revenue. While it may seem like a monumental task at times, there are ways to effectively manage your blog and stay connected with subscribers craving fresh content while still retaining your sanity.
1. Set a Realistic Posting Schedule
Determine a realistic posting schedule that works around your other responsibilities. Once you figure out a routine that works for you, state it on your blog so readers will know when to check back for new content. As you add posts, send alerts via your social pages to attract the attention of both existing subscribers and new readers.
2. Schedule Automatic Posts
There are plenty of automatic scheduling tools you can use to set a specific time and date for a new post to be added to your blog. WordPress has an assortment of tools that can help with this task. Automating some of your posts also allows for the better targeting of your audience at times when they’re more likely to be actively browsing.
3. Welcome Guest Bloggers
There are plenty of like-minded bloggers who will be willing to contribute occasional posts to your blog. Solicit such assistance with a notice on your blog or on your related social pages. Oftentimes, the only return favor guest bloggers want is a link back to their own blog. You can even coordinate with guest bloggers and ask them to post content on days when you’re not posting — your subscribers will appreciate the steady flow of fresh content.
4. Allow Your Employees to Contribute
Take advantage of your in-house source of fresh blog content and invite your employees to contribute posts. Maintain consistency by establishing guidelines for posting, especially since anything stated on your blog will reflect on your business. Set rules for things like language and tone to ensure that there is some consistency with the posts, even when you’re not the one creating them. After you find a group of employees who prove to be reliable contributors, you can always expand your posting schedule.
5. Bank Posts for Future Use
Another option is to prepare posts in advance and release them on days when you don’t have much time for your blog. This can be especially helpful if you get ideas for upcoming seasons or holidays that are still months away. As your banked posts become relevant and timely, add them to your blog.
Finally, use real-time metrics to track what’s going on with your blog. The way you manage your blog may be working well for a while, but it’s likely that you’ll need to make some adjustments here and there to keep your subscribers interested. If you still find yourself having difficulty keeping up with the regular demands of blogging, there are plenty of marketing firms that can help with the task.