People today get inundated with information, most of which contains marketing messages. Influencers and brand marketers only have a short time to make a lasting impression on an audience. With flooded email inboxes, countless websites and social media platforms crawling with advertisers, the competition is fierce. It is essential not only to get your brand message out there, but you must also find cost-effective ways to reinforce it. Your brand message must be reliable, recognizable and relatable to be effective. A compelling brand message inspires action. If you’re lucky, that action is conversion. Now that you know you must do more than just spread awareness and get your brand message out there, here are some powerful ways to strengthen your brand message for impressive results.
Use Emotional Motivators
Emotions are powerful motivators, especially fear. They are all powerful, but fear is often used most in sales. There is FOMO, or fear of missing out, fear of injury, fear of overpaying and so much more. The trick is to paint an emotional picture that leaves a lasting impression. For instance, you are probably familiar with the new home security system that runs a commercial where a young family comes home and finds their house got burglarized. It shows the mom on the telephone trying to order a security system in a ransacked bedroom. It leaves a lasting impression and plays on the fear factor to inspire action.
Imagery Connections
Allow your content to make emotional connections for the audience through imagery. As in the example above, the representation created an emotional connection through fear which probably inspired action in many audience members. You can do this with all types of content, not just commercials, including YouTube videos, static images and even live streaming. Most platforms allow a static or video image because it is powerful, and it attracts audiences. Imagery also helps build trust and credibility with the audience. Don’t overlook the power of imagery no matter what industry you are in or what marketing medium you are using.
Create Sound Bites Over Slogans
Sound bites are different than slogans because they can change with the marketing campaign. A slogan stays for the life of the company. Use the flexibility of sound bites to your advantage. Using words or phrases that your audience can relate to is the most successful way to make it memorable. If they evoke emotion, then they are even more powerful. Humor is a great way to do this. Humor, happiness, and apathy are the strongest emotions for sound bites. Just remember that some platforms automatically play muted videos on mobile phones unless the sound is manually turned on so don’t overlook the power of text to reinforce the campaign’s message.
Reinforcing and strengthening your brand’s message can be completed through many mediums, just as marketing can. If audience members are asking specific questions on a regular basis, answer them along with a link to your website or product. Ensure that it is only one link so as not to appear spammy. Answering commonly asked questions is a fabulous way to showcase expertise and engage with the audience while making them feel important.
Reinforcing and strengthening your brand’s marketing message is an ongoing process. It is a fabulous way to engage with the audience and find fresh new content to post on your site. Your brand message is at its best when it is most potent. It is most potent when it is continually fed and reinforced to achieve your company’s marketing goals successfully.