Many brands realize the importance of getting digital marketing right. Email marketing is certainly an important aspect of that. However, there are some errors often made that limit the chances of success. Therefore, this article aims to provide some basic tips to get email marketing right.
1. Use a professional email address
It may seem obvious that you should make your business email contact using a professional email address attached to your domain name, but it’s an error many brands make, nevertheless. As ever, think about how your communication would be received if you were the customer/client receiving it.
Sending an email from a webmail address basically says your business is not important enough to invest in the right business tools, or you’re afraid the message may come across as spam. Either way, it’s not the way to make a good first impression. Instead, you want to write a good quality relevant message from a domain-based email address. This is one small way you can show your brand stands for quality and high standards.
2. Don’t use copy and paste messages
Once you’ve got the professionalism right with your email address, it’s necessary to take it forward in the body of your message. Too many brands use a copy and paste email and there are a number of problems with this approach. The most obvious is it can be easy to detect this same email has been sent to countless others.
However, even if this hasn’t been identified you want to tailor your message to your audience. A generic email doesn’t offer that opportunity. Remember the quality of your message is more important than the number of emails you send. A pitch that is personalized to your prospect in some way is more likely to be successful than one that is not.
3. Provide information about your business and role
Another common mistake brands can make is failing to provide enough information. For example, your email is signed off with a first name only or broad job title. Generally speaking, people like to know who they are being contacted by. When this isn’t clear, there will be a level of suspicion even if your sales pitch is strong.
Therefore, sign off the email with your full name and job title. For that added bit of professionalism use a signature strip, which may even include a link to your LinkedIn profile or personal website where they can find out more about you. The same applies to your business. The prospect is likely to want to know more, such as social media pages and a link to the company website. The more information they can find, the more confident they will be about doing business with you.
Many brands need to reach out through email. But they often make errors when they do. The points raised in this article may be basic, but often it’s about getting the simple steps right. The bottom line is you want to make the best impression with your message and the way you present it. Therefore, remember to use a professional email address, don’t copy and paste messages and provide information about your business and role.
If you have any questions, our team would be more than happy to help. Call us today at (484) 893-4055.