social media management | LMS Solutions

Social Media Marketing Management

Dramatically increase your revenue and profitability by leveraging our Social Media Marketing Management services.

Social Media Management | LMS Solutions

Why Choose Us?

We recognize what social media networks are out there and create a customizable social media program that fits best with your company. In this digital age, it is no longer important for businesses to just have an account; it has become critical that businesses utilize social media to their personal advantage. Effective use of social media promotes brands, engages customers online, and drives consumer traffic.

Not Just Facebook

While Facebook is by far the eight-hundred pound gorilla, there are many other social media platforms that we leverage for our clients, depending on their target market and marketing strategies. We setup and manage social media programs on Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and others.

Blog Management

LMS Solutions will do more than post blogs on your behalf. When selected as part of your custom marketing package, we handle everything from the initial blog site development, including the hosting, to the content creation. In addition, we reply to any comments on your behalf. We have the experience and the skilled staff to make your business stand out from the competition.

Our Social Media Management programs offer a wide range of services, including:

  • Social media audit
  • Account creation & optimization
  • Custom cover photo development
  • Info content created & posted
  • Content strategy, audience strategy and message tracks for comments
  • Reply to messages
  • High quality graphics creation
  • Unique postings generated
  • High quality curated articles posted and shared
  • Monthly content planning and approval
  • Responses to fan postings
  • Responses to Reviews
  • Video / Meme creation and posting
  • Likes / Comments on Relevant Pages
  • Likes / Comments on Community Pages
  • Twitter Page Customization
  • Seasonal imagery updates
  • YouTube Channel Customization
  • Monthly reporting
  • Monthly social media insights
  • Blog Development
  • Blog Management

Quality Posts and Imagery

We develop unique postings for your social media platforms, allowing your current and potential customers to see that you are actively social. We develop custom graphics for your social media pages and postings to provide you with a professional representation of your business.

Designed for Engagement

We identify relevant articles, news and other posts and re-post them on your social media pages in a way that drives engagement, helping position you as an industry leader and a source of valuable information.

A Local Focus

We help you expand your social media reach by focusing a percentage of your postings and comments on local content and events. This helps portray you as a business that is heavily invested in the local community.

We offer five different packages to meet the needs of most businesses.

Need something different? Call us to discuss a custom program.

We’re here to help you grow your business.

Give us a call today for a FREE Quote! (484) 893-4055

Or click the button below to fill out our Free Consultation Request.