Holiday Marketing | LMS Solutions

5 Tips to Plan for a Successful Holiday Season

It’s never too early to start preparing for the holidays. Online and traditional brick-and-mortar businesses earn a hugely disproportionate amount of their annual sales during the holidays. There’s no type of product or service that you can’t leverage for holiday promotions. Holiday marketing is extremely competitive, however. You need to do everything possible to stand…

Work Smarter, Work Harder | LMS Solutions

10 Ways to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Working smarter, not harder is about getting maximum results from minimum effort. It’s also about making wise decisions that ensure your business flourishes. If you don’t, you’ll spend longer reaching goals. Years ago, people thought hard graft was needed to make businesses thrive. The more hours you toiled, the better. Now, managers understand that to…

credit card fraud

10 Ways to Spot a Credit Card Fraudster

With credit card fraud reaching its highest level since 2003, business owners must take action to prevent financial loss. Embedded chips have failed stop thieves from stealing credit card information, outlining the need for businesses to ramp up their own security measures to halt fraudsters in their tracks. Failure to investigate large credit card purchases…