Outsource | LMS Solutions

5 Benefits of Outsourcing for Small Businesses

Many entrepreneurs believe that outsourcing is reserved for big companies. However, small businesses can also derive many benefits from the practice. Here are some of the ways that outsourcing business functions can benefit your small business. 1. Increased efficiency Small businesses can run more efficiently by outsourcing some processes to specialists. Utilizing third parties’ special…

Facebooks New Emotions | LMS Solutions

Meet Facebook’s New Emotions!

Attention Facebook Users! Are you tired of not being able to express how you actually feel on Facebook posts, photos, etc.? Great news – Facebook is finally acknowledging that “like” is not the right sentiment for every occasion and is offering new options! Reactions, five emoting emojis, were rolled out to Facebook’s more than 1.5…

Customer Experience LMS Solutions

Why Customer Experience is the New Customer Service

The relationship between a business and its customers has evolved greatly over recent decades. Commercial organizations have long understood that the customer is central to their success, but the way many businesses have developed their service offerings has often left customers feeling short-changed. The customer experience has suffered in the pursuit of the holy grail…

Business Networking LMS Solutions

Getting the Best Out of Networking

It is a truth universally acknowledged that if you are in business, you need to be networking. Yet there are so many networking groups available that, for the newbie, it can be difficult to spot the best networking groups and make the most of time spent with them. Just how do you get the best…

Danger of Using Public E-mail Addresses

In mid-2012, then-Presidential candidate Mitt Romney found himself in the midst of an embarrassing email hacking debacle. Romney formerly worked for a large financial institution and therefore should have understood the necessity of quality email security, but he was allegedly using a Hotmail account at the time. The hacker who breached the account was able…