The Rise of Influencer Marketing: How to Partner with the Right Person for Your Brand | LMS Solutions Inc

The Rise of Influencer Marketing: How to Partner with the Right Person for Your Brand

The Rise of Influencer Marketing: How to Partner with the Right Person for Your Brand In today’s digital age, traditional marketing strategies are no longer enough to attract and retain customers. Consumers have become more discerning than ever before, and they demand authenticity and transparency from the brands they support. These days, businesses are using influencer…

5 Tips for Using Color to Brand Your Business | LMS Solutions

5 Tips for Using Color to Brand Your Business

5 Tips for Using Color to Brand Your Business Your business has a brand. The way it looks, the way it sounds, and the way it makes customers feel all contribute to your branding.  A great example of this is Apple’s logo. The logo is simple yet recognizable and memorable. People can easily picture what…

How to Make Your Brand More Relatable | LMS Solutions

How to Make Your Brand More Relatable

How to Make Your Brand More Relatable Your brand is you. It’s the foundation of your business, the face of your products and services, and the voice that tells people who you are. But how can you ensure your brand is relatable to a wide range of people? A survey found that 46% of consumers…

12 Content Marketing Goals for Businesses | LMS Solutions Inc

12 Content Marketing Goals for Businesses

12 Content Marketing Goals for Businesses The first step to ensuring the success of a content marketing campaign is to set yourself some goals. Undoubtedly, you will have read that advice before. After all, setting goals is at the top of the to-do list for any marketing campaign. But what goals should you set for…