How to Create Engaging Short-Form Videos for Your Brand | LMS Solutions Inc

How to Create Engaging Short-Form Videos for Your Brand

How to Create Engaging Short-Form Videos for Your Brand Short-form videos have become an essential means for brands to effectively communicate their message and reach their intended audience in the fast-paced digital world. With social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook constantly evolving, it has become essential for brands to adapt their content…

9 Steps to Create an Engaging Explainer Video | LMS Solutions

9 Steps to Create an Engaging Explainer Video

9 Steps to Create an Engaging Explainer Video There’s no shortage of video-creating software for building engaging explainer videos. These software platforms allow you to create videos with text, audio, images, and animation in minutes. But to take advantage of them, you must know what steps to take. Are you well-versed in creating explainer videos?…

10 YouTube Content Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses | LMS Solutions Inc.

10 YouTube Content Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

10 YouTube Content Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses Did you know that YouTube has almost 2 billion monthly users? If that fact startled you, then here’s another one to boggle your mind. The total number of internet users is estimated to be around 4.66 billion. So, that means that almost 50% of internet users regularly…