Top Email Marketing Trends in 2020 | LMS Solutions

Top Email Marketing Trends in 2020

Email marketing is still relevant to digital marketing and will be, well into 2020. However, keep in mind that like other online marketing strategies, email marketing is always adapting, changing, and advancing with the technology around it. According to Marketo, 94 percent of internet users will go online simply to check their email. One of…

The Types of Facebook Ads to Utilize in 2020 | LMS Solutions

The Types of Facebook Ads to Utilize in 2020

Facebook remains one of the best ways to reach your target audience, offering you the chance to connect with millions of users on what continues to be the world’s largest social network. Although Facebook uses an algorithm that’s constantly changing to make it more difficult than it used to be to connect with users, the…

4 Tips for Designing a Brochure for Your Business | LMS Solutions

4 Tips for Designing a Brochure for Your Business

A brochure is the centerpiece of your business’ print marketing materials. A quality brochure will explain what your company has to offer in a succinct and organized way. A poorly executed brochure will only serve to confuse and frustrate its reader. The following guidelines will help you create an effective, informative brochure for your potential…

May 2020

Click on the Image Above to Download This Month’s Issue This Month’s Feature Article: Working from Home? How to Boost Your Energy Levels Every Day Also inside this month’s issue: 4 Tips for Designing a Brochure for Your Business Top Email Marketing Trends in 2020 50 Blog Content Ideas to Engage Your Audience During Covid-19…

10 Reasons to Outsource Your Email Marketing | LMS Solutions

10 Reasons to Outsource Your Email Marketing

Outsourcing is one of the most underrated and underutilized strategies for scaling your business quickly and optimizing your marketing ROI. When you outsource a task to a remote freelancer, you’re able to pay for an expert to deliver results you may not have achieved on your own. Plus, you free up time to focus on…